
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Improve Your Provision for SEND Ep 2 - In The Community
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Friday Nov 08, 2024
In this episode, Dave D talks with Danny Mc about ways to improve provision for children and young people with SEND in the community.
By being well-informed, adaptable, patient and willing to refer when needed, your organisation can be inclusive and supportive for ALL.
Thanks to NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board - Transforming Care for supporting this project.
More info: https://www.maximumedge.org.uk

Friday Nov 08, 2024
Improve Your Provision for SEND Ep 1 - In Sport
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Friday Nov 08, 2024
In this episode, Dave D talks with Danny Mc about ways to improve provision for children and young people in sport, who have SEND.
Sport can be a fantastic way for children and young people to express themselves and make connections with others. By being well-informed, adaptable, patient and willing to refer when needed, your sports club can be inclusive and supportive for ALL.
Thanks to NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board - Transforming Care for supporting this project.
More info: https://www.maximumedge.org.uk

Friday May 03, 2024
Edge of Desperation (Song)
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
This song was inspired by words from a group of young people in Parr, St Helens - encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings about their lives. We are so grateful for their honesty and involvement with our project.
We hope you enjoy it.

Friday May 03, 2024
Parr Street Blues (Song)
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
This song was inspired by words from a group we were working with in Parr. Their honest reflections of what's it's like to live and grow up there. We are really grateful for their honesty and involvement with our project.
We hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Prostate Cancer Ep. 2 SIMON ROBINSON: diagnosis, tests, symptoms, mindset. Get checked.
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Trigger Warning: in-depth conversation about prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, and your risk increases with age. The risk is even higher for Black men, and men with a family history of prostate cancer. If you are in ANY doubt, speak to your GP about symptoms, and ask for a PSA test.
In this honest, hard-hitting conversation with Simon Robinson, we discuss:
- pre-diagnosis health
- the test
- the result
- the mindset with which to live with cancer
- the importance of early diagnosis
Simon, a healthy corporate company director was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer, during covid-19 and is now cancer free with regular checks and test. In this episode he talks with Dave D about his story, and the importance of getting tested and checked early.
Further information:
Cancer Research UK: https://donate.cancerresearchuk.org/
Prostate Cancer UK: https://prostatecanceruk.org/
Incremental Gainz: https://www.facebook.com/IncrementalGainz/
Maximum Edge CIC: https://maximumedge.org.uk/
About the PSA Blood test: https://prostatecanceruk.org/prostate-information-and-support/prostate-tests/psa-blood-test
This video has been created with support from the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance and Halton and St Helens Voluntary Community Action. More information can be found here:
Cancer Alliance: https://cmcanceralliance.nhs.uk/
Halton and St Helens VCA: https://www.haltonsthelensvca.org.uk/

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Prostate Cancer Ep. 1 TONY COLLIER: diagnosis, tests, symptoms, mindset. Get checked.
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Trigger Warning: in-depth conversation about prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, and your risk increases with age. The risk is even higher for Black men, and men with a family history of prostate cancer. If you are in ANY doubt, speak to your GP about symptoms, and ask for a PSA test.
In this honest, hard-hitting conversation with Tony Collier, we discuss:
- pre-diagnosis health
- the test
- the result
- the effects of the diagnosis and treatment on Tony
- the effects diagnosis and treatment on loved ones
- the mindset with which to live with cancer
Tony, a fit and healthy ultramarathon runner was diagnosed with prostate cancer, having had no previous symptoms prior to some pain in his groin.
In this episode he talks with Dave D about his story, and the importance of getting tested and checked early.
Further information:
The MOVE Charity: https://movecharity.org/
Cancer Research UK: https://donate.cancerresearchuk.org/
Prostate Cancer UK: https://prostatecanceruk.org/
Incremental Gainz: https://www.facebook.com/IncrementalGainz/
Maximum Edge CIC: https://maximumedge.org.uk/
About the PSA Blood test: https://prostatecanceruk.org/prostate-information-and-support/prostate-tests/psa-blood-test
To listen to another conversation with Tony: MOVE against cancer podcast: https://share.transistor.fm/s/eada199f
This video has been created with support from the Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance and Halton and St Helens Voluntary Community Action. More information can be found here:
Cancer Alliance: https://cmcanceralliance.nhs.uk/
Halton and St Helens VCA: https://www.haltonsthelensvca.org.uk/

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Drumming for Wellbeing Ep.2 MINDFULNESS
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Join Steve Shotton from Rhythm Reaction as he talks with Dave about the benefits of drumming, and how it can be used to boost health and wellbeing.
Steve runs Rhythm Reaction CIC, a community organisation working hard to "improve lives one drum beat at a time", by promoting physical and mental wellbeing for people in friendly drumming sessions across the region.
NOTE: we are aware of some minor sound issues on this podcast and apologise for the quality
Thanks to Dave from Incremental Gainz for doing the interview https://www.rhythmreaction.org/ https://www.maximumedge.org.uk @incrementalgainz

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Drumming for Wellbeing Ep1: INTRODUCTION
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Meet Steve Shotton, our man in the drumming world!
Steve runs Rhythm Reaction CIC, a community organisation working hard to "improve lives one drum beat at a time", by promoting physical and mental wellbeing for people in friendly drumming sessions across the region.
In this podcast find out how Steve got involved, what the scientific findings are about drumming and wellbeing, and how you can get involved.
Thanks to Dave from Incremental Gainz for doing the interview https://www.rhythmreaction.org/ https://www.maximumedge.org.uk @incrementalgainz

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
R E C O V E R Y: Emotionally and Spiritually
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Originally funded through the UK Youth Thriving Minds project, this series follows Dave and Martin through some discussion and conversation about different elements of Recovery.
Also in this series:
- Forgiveness
- Relationships
- Environment
- Recovering Physically and Mentally
Thanks to Dave from Incremental Gainz and Martin from Clear Futures Communities for their time in putting together this series.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
R E C O V E R Y: Physically and Mentally
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Originally funded through the UK Youth Thriving Minds project, this series follows Dave and Martin through some discussion and conversation about different elements of Recovery.
Also in this series:
- Forgiveness
- Environment
- Relationships
- Recovering Emotionally and Spiritually
Thanks to Dave from Incremental Gainz and Martin from Clear Futures Communities for their time in putting together this series.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
R E C O V E R Y: Forgiveness
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Originally funded through the UK Youth Thriving Minds project, this series follows Dave and Martin through some discussion and conversation about different elements of Recovery.
Also in this series:
- Relationships
- Environment
- Recovering Emotionally and Spiritually
- Recovering Physically and Mentally
Thanks to Dave from Incremental Gainz and Martin from Clear Futures Communities for their time in putting together this series.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
R E C O V E R Y: Relationships
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Originally funded through the UK Youth Thriving Minds project, this series follows Dave and Martin through some discussion and conversation about different elements of Recovery.
Also in this series:
- Forgiveness
- Environment
- Recovering
- Emotionally and Spiritually
- Recovering Physically and Mentally
Thanks to Dave from Incremental Gainz and Martin from Clear Futures Communities for their time in putting together this series.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
R E C O V E R Y: Your Environment
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Originally funded through the UK Youth Thriving Minds project, this series follows Dave and Martin through some discussion and conversation about different elements of Recovery.
Also in this series:
- Forgiveness
- Relationships
- Recovering Emotionally and Spiritually
- Recovering Physically and Mentally
Thanks to Dave from Incremental Gainz and Martin from Clear Futures Communities for their time in putting together this series.

Friday Mar 17, 2023
All About Addiction
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Or is it not an addiction - because it's not drugs or alcohol - it's the gym... or work... boxsets?
Or you only use at the weekends?
* Are you being the best version of yourself?
* Are you slipping, and sometimes using your addiction in the week to help you cope?
* Is your addiction of 'choice' all around you?
* Are you saying 'yes' when you really want to say 'no'?
A fascinating conversation with Martin; in recovery for over 10 years and now helping others with their addictions.
(Apologies for one F-word towards the end of the video)
- NOBODY gets things right 100% of the time.
- You are NEVER alone in how you are feeling.
- There is ALWAYS another way.
Many thanks to Dave Drury from @IncGainz
Martin O'Looney from @ClearFuturesCIC

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Self-Care Series Ep 6 - Self Talk
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Funded originally by UK Youth Thriving Minds for young people and youth workers, this is one of six in a series of podcasts about Self-Care - sharing tips and techniques to help you cope and thrive in life.
This episode introduces self-talk, how we can learn to acknowledge when our mind is being negative and holding us back - and how to overcome the negative self-talk.
NOTE: the audio for this podcast has been extracted from a video - if you want to see the video, please go to our YouTube Channel here
The series was created in partnership with Incremental Gainz

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Self-Care Series Ep 5 - Coping Skills
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Funded originally by UK Youth Thriving Minds for young people and youth workers, this is one of six in a series of podcasts about Self-Care - sharing tips and techniques to help you cope and thrive in life.
This episode introduces coping skills and explains the importance of finding healthy ways to cope when life gets tough.
NOTE: the audio for this podcast has been extracted from a video - if you want to see the video, please go to our YouTube channel here
The series was created in partnership with Incremental Gainz

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Self-Care Series Ep 4 - Breathwork
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Funded originally by UK Youth Thriving Minds for young people and youth workers, this is one of six in a series of podcasts about Self-Care - sharing tips and techniques to help you cope and thrive in life.
This episode introduces breathwork and explains the importance of using the breath to stay grounded.
NOTE: the audio for this podcast has been extracted from a video - if you want to see the video, please go to our YouTube channel here
The series was created in partnership with Incremental Gainz

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Self-Care Series Ep 3 - Rest and Relaxation
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Funded originally by UK Youth Thriving Minds for young people and youth workers, this is one of six in a series of podcasts about Self-Care - sharing tips and techniques to help you cope and thrive in life.
This episode introduces rest and relaxation and explains the importance of using time out to constructively recharge and gain more creativity and energy to keep going.
NOTE: the audio for this podcast has been extracted from a video - if you want to see the video, please go to our YouTube channel here
The series was created in partnership with Incremental Gainz

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Self-Care Series Ep 2 - Sleep
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Funded originally by UK Youth Thriving Minds for young people and youth workers, this is one of six in a series of podcasts about Self-Care - sharing tips and techniques to help you cope and thrive in life.
This episode introduces the magic pill and explains the importance of sleep to stay physically and mentally healthy.
NOTE: the audio for this podcast has been extracted from a video - if you want to see the video, please go to our YouTube channel here
The series was created in partnership with Incremental Gainz

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Self-Care Series Ep 1: Walking
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Funded originally by UK Youth Thriving Minds for young people and youth workers, this is one of six in a series of podcasts about Self-Care - sharing tips and techniques to help you cope and thrive in life.
This episode introduces walking and explains the importance of using walking as a coping mechanism.
NOTE: the audio for this podcast has been extracted from a video - if you want to see the video, you can watch it on YouTube here
The series was created in partnership with Incremental Gainz

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
The ”ASK” series: Thought Diaries
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Join Dave S in this episode which looks at Thought Diaries, helping you to ask yourself the right questions of yourself, your situation and your own thoughts:
NOTE: It would be useful to make notes whilst listening to this podcast.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
The ”ASK” Series: Kindness
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Join Dave S in this episode which looks at the Kindness Model, helping you to ask the right questions when working with others:
Keep Learning
Support Others
NOTE: It would be useful to make notes whilst listening to this podcast.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
The ”ASK” Series: Oracle
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Join Dave S in this episode which looks at the Oracle Model of working, helping you to ask the right questions when working with others:
Real Issue
Creative ideas
Likelihood Of Success
NOTE: It would be useful to make notes whilst listening to this podcast.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
The ”ASK” Series: Grow
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Join Dave S in this episode which looks at the Grow Model, helping you to ask the right questions when working with others:
Goal Setting
NOTE: It would be useful to make notes whilst listening to this podcast.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
The ”ASK” Series: Introduction
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Join Dave S in this 5-podcast series in which he talks about A S K I N G
- Ask the right questions
- Ask the right people
- Ask at the right time
- Ask yourself

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
In Conversation with Kitty K Rhymes
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Following the success of our Art of the Street project, funded by Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership, Kathy Kilgannon (Kitty K Rhymes), children's author, joins Phil Glover to talk about:
- how she became an author,
- what the project meant to her,
- what makes her happy and
- how creativity can help you
Useful links:
on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kittykrhymes/
on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Christmas-Cancelled-Cath-Kilgannon/dp/0993470602
On Facebook and Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC
On YouTube: Maximum Edge CIC
On Audio: "Maximum Edge CIC Podcast Channel"
Online: https://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Online: https://www.merseysidevrp.com
On Twitter: @MerseysideVrp
On Facebook: @MerseysideVRP
On Instagram: @merseysidevrp

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Is it time to do things differently? An interview with Arjuna Ishaya
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Dave D from Incremental Gainz kindly shared his interview with Arjuna Ishaya with us, to share on our channel.
In this conversation they discuss:
* Things we can do to be more present - even just washing up dishes
* How to be more innocent (it's not what you think it means)
* CV or 'Resumee' goals vs Eulogy goals
* The biggest thing you can do to get power back in any situation
* How 2 minutes will change everything if done consistently
You can also WATCH this interview here
Useful Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/incrementalgainz/?hl=en-gb
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IncrementalGainz/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPPQhwmhFfiJdVxhTVNQSyQ
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1YAWr6scsGSwuSXfVnSAof
Link to Arjuna's Book "200% - An Instruction Manual for Living Fully":
Website: https://www.arjunaishaya.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arjunaishaya/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrArjunaIshaya/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKGnUdwZj1BvJLbLoIVVXZg
Website: https://maximumedge.org.uk/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4xMoOXVjlG8KRuGcG8JRfw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnvjmCBzmR9b6Vg3cbq8cfA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maxedgecic?lang=en

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Flip The Script - how it helps others
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Join Dave S to find out how new platform "Flip The Script" has helped 3 different people to challenge their way of thinking and 'Flip The Script' inside their heads.
Could this be the Next Big Thing in your life, to help you cope with change - or to help you to take that leap?

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Flip The Script: What is it?
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
- Are you struggling to deal with changes that have happened to you?
- Do you want to learn how to deal better with change?
- Do you want to make positive changes but you aren't sure where to start?
Join Dave S to find out what new platform "Flip The Script" is all about and find out if it's right for you.
Turn challenges into opportunities and problems into puzzles.

Friday Sep 18, 2020
Maximum Mental Health - with Incremental Gainz
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Our webinar with Dave from Incremental Gainz guides you through...
- What is Mental Health? - Self-Care - Peer Support
We also have PDF document which complements this webinar. Please contact us to obtain your copy.
Further reading to go alongside this video which would be of benefit (but is not essential) to a greater understanding:
8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health - Katy Sheridan
Keeping a journal help us to stay focused and maintain a healthy mind with positivity at the forefront of our minds. It is easy to get tied up thinking about all the things that need doing now and not giving yourself time to focus on what you really want. This journal will guide you towards your ultimate goals. It can be used as a standalone item or as part of a wider project from Maximum Edge CIC, including podcasts, webinars and online resources.
The Chimp Paradox – Dr Steve Peters
If you sabotage your own happiness and success, struggling to make sense of yourself or let your emotions sometimes dictate your life, this book is an incredibly powerful mind management model that can help you become a happy, confident, healthier and more successful person. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chimp-Paradox-Management-Programme-Confidence/dp/009193558X Bounce - Matthew Syed Matthew Syed's dazzling investigation of high achievement draws on the stories of sports stars and the most up-to-date science to uncover the surprising factors that lead to world beating success. Bounce will revolutionise our ideas of what it takes to get to the top.
Meditations – Marcus Aurelius (Gregory Hayes translation)
A translation of one of the most important texts of Western philosophy. Marcus's insights and advice - on everything from living in the world to coping with adversity and interacting with others - have made The Meditations required reading for statesmen and philosophers alike, while generations of ordinary readers have responded to the straightforward intimacy of his style.
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff – Richard Carlson
So many of us would like to live our lives in a calmer and less stressful way, and be able to let go of our problems. This is the book that can show you how to stop letting the little things in life drive you crazy.
Mindfulness – Mark Williams
If you want to free yourself from anxiety and stress, and feel truly at ease with yourself, then read this book. (Ruby Wax) One of the best mindfulness books out there -- it's a summary of the science behind using it, to regain a sense of purpose, and a practical guide on how to do it (Business Traveller)
Mindset – Carol Dweck
An utterly compelling story of how the way we think shapes our success. Essential reading for anyone with aspirations. If you manage any people or if you are a parent (which is a form of managing people), drop everything and read Mindset. (Guy Kawasaki, author of The Art of the Start.)
Live Your Truth – Kamal Ravikant
We don't stumble accidentally into an amazing life. It takes a conscious commitment to figuring out what we stand for - finding our truth. It begins by looking inside ourselves, because when it rises from within, we have no choice but to express it, to live it. That is when magic happens: fulfillment, happiness, relationships and success. The question is: How? "Live Your Truth" is a guide to this crucial journey of self-exploration and personal discovery. The follow up to his runaway bestseller "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It," Kamal Ravikant takes you on his journey, in the hope that it will help you find your truth and inspire you to live it. Prepare to be your best self.
The Science of Storytelling – Will Storr
Stories mould who we are, from our character to our cultural identity. They drive us to act out our dreams and ambitions and shape our politics and beliefs. In this scalpel-sharp, thought-provoking audiobook, Will Storr applies dazzling psychological research and cutting-edge neuroscience to the foundations of our myths and archetypes, and shows how we can use these tools to tell better stories - and make sense of our chaotic modern world.
Twitter/Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC
Website: https://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Email: info@maximumedge.org.uk
Incremental Gainz: @incrementalgainz
Be The Best You Can Be with Maximum Edge

Thursday May 07, 2020
Double Dave: Is It A Surprise or Is It A Problem?
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
In this episode, Dave D talks with Dave Sheridan about changes due to coronavirus and the lockdown, resilience to change, peer support... and cheese.
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
Instagram: @incrementalgainz
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Featured in this episode:
Dave Drury, Incremental Gainz
Dave Sheridan, Maximum Edge CIC
Useful Reading:
Journal: 8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health, our own guided journal, to help you with goal setting and feeling good.
Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Secondary School: A Teachers' Perspective
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
In this episode, Dave D talks with Rob, a teacher in an English secondary school.
They discuss the pressures on students, resilience, pressures on teachers, school management, mental health, social media, peer pressure and more.
A really good insight into life as a teacher in the 21st century.
This episode is part of our series aimed at 11-16 year olds, but is suitable for all - including parents.
Also in this series - "Resilience", "School Pressures" and "Positive Thinking during Lockdown".
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Featured in this episode:
Dave D on Instagram: @incrementalgainz
Useful Reading:
Journal: 8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health, our own guided journal, to help you with goal setting and feeling good.
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Covid 3: Managing yourself, asking for help
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
In this episode, Dave from Maximum Edge CIC, and Martin from Clear Futures Communities CIC discuss the impact of Coronavirus / Covid19 on the communities they work in, family life, and the importance of asking for and offering help if you can.
Just some of the people and organisations mentioned in this episode:
- Teardrops Homeless Centre, St Helens
- Bosco House Homeless Hub, Bootle
- Fazakerley Community Federation
- Anfield Primary School, Liverpool
- Southdene Community Centre, Kirkby
- Incremental Gainz, St Helens
- Saddle Up Cycling Hub, St Helens
- Addition Not Addiction
- HERizon
Please stay home, stay safe as much as you possibly can.
Find us online for more information:
websites: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC, @ClearFuturesCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC, @ClearFuturesCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
To help you with setting goals, our guided journal 8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health is now available on Amazon at a reduced price of £4.99
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Photo by Nikola Balic on Unsplash

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
School Pressures: for PARENTS of 11 to 16 year olds
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
In this episode, Dave D talks with TJ (18) about school, friendships, social media, sexting and revenge porn, alcohol, money, gaming, snapchat, clothes labels and parenting!
A lot to cover in a short space of time, but a great insight into the life of a secondary school student.
The episode is aimed at parents of 11 to 16 year olds, but is suitable for all.
Also in this series aimed at 11-16 year olds - "Resilience", "Your Morning Routine" and "Positive Thinking during Lockdown".
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Featured in this episode:
Dave D on Instagram: @incrementalgainz
Useful Reading:
Book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Journal: 8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health, our own guided journal, to help you with goal setting and feeling good.
Website: Childline info on sexting useful pages about the sharing of intimate content. (It’s against the law to ask someone who’s under 18 to send a nude, even if you’re under 18 as well.)

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Positive Thinking During Lockdown for 11 to 16 year olds
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
In this episode, Dave D talks about Positive Thinking - in particular during Lockdown for coronavirus.
What can we do to stay positive, challenge ourselves, think differently and use this time as an opportunity for growth?
The episode is aimed at 11 to 16 year olds, but suitable for all.
Also in this series aimed at 11-16 year olds - "Resilience", "Your Morning Routine" and "Health, Fitness and Pacman"
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Featured in this episode:
Dave D: @incrementalgainz
Books worth reading:
Our own guided journal, 8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health, is also available from Amazon, to help you with goal setting and feeling good.
Photo by Caleb Frith on Unsplash

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Covid 2: New Routines
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
In this episode, Dave from Maximum Edge CIC, and Martin from Clear Futures Communities CIC discuss the impact of Coronavirus / Covid19 on routine, how it is both positively and negatively affecting us and the communities we live in.
(We are working on better sound quality, as we record this conversations online so please bear with us, we are always learning)
Please stay home, stay safe as much as you possibly can.
We support #MakeSundaysSpecial to encourage people to make that little extra effort on Sundays (or another day if it doesn't fit) to prepare a good meal, get dressed up, choose some great music, sit together and maybe even video call a friends and family to join you! Isolation doesn't have to be isolated.
Please #StayAtHome
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC, @ClearFuturesCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC, @ClearFuturesCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
To help you with setting goals, our guided journal "8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health" is now available on Amazon at a reduced price of £4.99
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Initial impact of Covid19. A conversation with Martin from Clear Futures CIC
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
In this episode, Dave from Maximum Edge, and Martin from Clear Futures discuss the initial impact of Coronavirus / Covid19 on their professional and personal lives, and the changes they have noticed already.
Please stay home, stay safe as much as you possibly can.
We support #MakeSundaysSpecial to encourage people to make that little extra effort on Sundays (or another day if it doesn't fit) to prepare a good meal, get dressed up, choose some great music, sit together and maybe even video call a friends and family to join you! Isolation doesn't have to be isolated.
Please #StayAtHome
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC, @ClearFuturesCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC, @ClearFuturesCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Interview with War Veteran, Tom Boardman
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
In memory of Tom Boardman, 10th May 1918 - 5th January 2018
In this episode Dave D talks with Tom Boardman, war veteran from Leigh, Greater Manchester about his time in the forces during World War II and his time in Japanese Prisoner of War camps. His resilience and survival in some dreadful conditions just show how strong we can be with the right mindset.
Thanks to Tom's son Ron, for helping to arrange this interview with Tom.
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
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Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Knife Crime information for 11 to 16 year olds
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
In this episode, Dave D talks with Dawn Jones, aunty of the late Daniel Fox, who died after being stabbed in St Helens in 2016.
Aimed at 11 to 16 year olds, this episode talks about the effects of knife crime, consequences of carrying a knife and what the Daniel Fox Foundation are doing to tackle knife crime, following the death of Daniel.
It is mostly - but not exclusively - relevant to 11 and 16 year olds.
Also in this series aimed at 11-16 year olds - "Resilience", "Your Morning Routine" and "Health, Fitness and Pacman"
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Featured in this episode:
Dave D: @incrementalgainz
Dawn Jones (Daniel's Aunty), from the Daniel Fox Foundation
Non-urgent crimes, which do not need immediate police presence (for example someone you know carrying a knife) can be reported completely anonymously to the charity Crimestoppers, either online here or by calling 0800 555 111.
Photo by Scott Warman on Unsplash

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Health and Fitness for 11 to 16 year olds
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
In this episode we hear Dave talking to personal trainer Gary about health, fitness....and pacman!
It is mostly - but not exclusively - relevant to boys between 11 and 16.
In it they discuss the importance of trying lots of different activities before choosing one or two to specialise in; how exercise can help your mental health; the pressures of body image; the drawbacks of weight training if done wrong; and Pacman (google it).
Also in this series aimed at 11-16 year olds - "Resilience" and "Your Morning Routine"
Find us online for more information:
website: http://www.maximumedge.org.uk
Twitter: @MaxEdgeCIC
Facebook: @MaxEdgeCIC
YouTube: Maximum Edge
Thanks for listening, please like and share if that's your thing!
Featured in this episode:
Dave D: @incrementalgainz
Gary Fletcher: Gary's personal training website: Healthy Bodies
David Epstein's Book, RANGE: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialised World" can be found on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Range-Generalists-Triumph-Specialized-World/dp/1509843493
Our guided journal is also available to buy from Amazon. Why not get it to help you along with goal setting and feeling good? 8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health (Guided Journal)
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash